Mold Remediation Always Done with Care

57670942 - specialist in combating mold in an apartmentMold is a serious matter that requires capable and experienced professionals to resolve. Since mold consists of countless microscopic spores that exist naturally everywhere around us, it is impossible to fully escape. This means that it is never possible to fully remove mold from a building. Instead, the mold needs to be remediated so it only exists in natural levels that cannot cause harm to anybody in the vicinity. Mold remediation is a very specific process that must be completed with precision and accuracy.

A Bit About Mold

Mold thrives on moisture, so it tends to grow in large quantities when water intrudes onto your property and is not removed. Whether from flooding, trapped condensation, or other water sources, mold spores grow quickly into colonies that produce allergens and irritants. Certain types of mold can cause severe respiratory consequences if inhaled over long periods of time. Read More

Here’s What You Should Know about Mold Remediation

57670940 - specialist in combating mold in an apartment

Water may be the sustainer of life, but it is also the catalyst for unwanted mold. Any water source, from a plumbing leak to standing stormwater can generate mold in as little as 24 hours. Once mold makes itself comfortable in a home or business, the problems begin. Fortunately, many experts specialize in mold remediation to resolve water damage, apply structural drying, and remove mold for good.

The Mold Basics Read More

How to Use Unlikely Sources of Water as Valuable Resources

wetland-mitigation-2It’s no secret that water is absolutely essential to life. Without supplies of freshwater, plants, animals, and humans alike would languish and eventually die. In fact, millions of people around the world already suffer from a lack of safe, clean freshwater due to climate, location, and pollution complications. This makes it the responsibility of those in the developed world to counteract this imbalance by harnessing water sources that would otherwise go to waste instead of placing more strain on mainstream water sources.

The ability to establish dependable sources of water independent of pre-existing fresh water sources is incredibly valuable not just to the environment, but to your own location during drought or frost. Read More