Solar Site Development
For Florida Power & Light (FP&L) and their sister company, Florida Renewable Partners (FRP), Enviro-Tech Systems, Inc. (ETS) performed the earthwork and site work to prepare for new solar energy facilities in six separate locations throughout Florida.

Stormwater Drainage Control Structure Repairs
Universal Orlando Resorts needed a number of repairs to stormwater drainage control structures for various ponds both inside and outside of their park.

Howell Creek and Carriage Hill Erosion Control
The City of Casselberry experienced significant erosive damage within the Gee Creek and Howell Creek drainage basins as a result of Hurricane Ian. Enviro-Tech Systems, Inc. (ETS) completed this project to restore stormwater management infrastructure and remove debris at both locations.

Okeechobee County
As part of the Disaster Recovery Community Development Block Grant Program, the goal of this project was to provide better drainage for residential areas upstream. The work consisted of clearing and grubbing, structure removal, excavation, earthfill, paving, reinstalling railroad spur line, installing rip rap, and seeding and mulching. Specifically, development included: one 5 feet high x 10 feet wide x 40 feet long concrete box culvert with concrete headwalls, two 4 feet high x 14 feet wide x 60 feet long concrete box culverts with concrete headwalls, one twin 4 feet high x 8 feet wide x 64 feet long concrete box culverts with concrete headwalls, one 9.5 feet high x 13.5 feet wide x 24 feet long corrugated arched metal pipe, and a ¼ acre dry retention area.

Waste Management, Inc.
ETS created a wetland approximately 300 acres in size. This process involved dewatering, wet excavation, removing water control structures, installing low water crossing, erosion control, and installing monitoring wells to monitor level of wetland once developed.

The WRP is a voluntary program offering landowners the opportunity to protect, restore, and enhance wetlands on their property. The USDA/NRCS provides technical and financial support to help landowners with their wetland restoration efforts. The NRCS goal is to achieve the greatest wetland functions and values, along with optimum wildlife habitat, on every acre enrolled in the program.

City of Gainesville
The goal of this project was to restore natural flow and function to Beville Creek in Cofrin Nature Park. ETS developed a site-specific safety plan for the project and development occurred without disrupting the operation of the Park.

Southwest Florida Water Management District
This project involved the restoration of the Cone Development Borrow Pits on SWFWMD’s Serenova Preserve. A site-specific safety plan was developed for this project and the scope of work included debris handling and debris recycling/removal, excavation, on-site and off disposal, spoil overburden grading and leveling, pond site slope grading, soil and road stabilization, plant material procurement, upland and wetlands planting, and the installation of two water-filled borrow areas, referred to as North and South Pits.

South Florida Water Management District
The Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) spans more than 60,000 acres in both Lee and Collier counties. It provides natural flood protection, water purification, and critical aquifer recharge as well as serving as an important habitat for animal species, such as the endangered Florida panther, snail kite, and wood stork.
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